Category: Word

Can I Lose My Salvation?

This question has stirred up significant debate within the Christian community, often leading to divisions among denominations. However, I aim to provide reassurance to believers that Christians cannot lose their salvation, based on several key points. Let’s delve into this crucial topic and find peace in the truth of God’s Word.

Trusting God in Waiting: The Power of His Word (Hem of Garment)

During times of waiting and suffering, finding strength in God’s Word and seeking Jesus with unwavering faith can bring healing and transformation. Let us not lose hope or be envious of others but trust that our time is coming. Jesus is waiting for us with open arms, offering hope, comfort, and solace. Embracing His Word, we find faith, courage, and strength. May we persevere in faith, knowing that God draws us to His Word, providing strength and comfort during waiting.

Homoletics for House Church Sermons

o effectively deliver impactful sermons in a house church setting, it is essential to employ homiletics, the art and science of preaching. In this article, we will explore the importance of homiletics for house church sermons and provide practical tips to enhance your preaching skills.

The Transformative Power of the Living Word: Penetrating Hearts and Illuminating Souls

In a world saturated with an abundance of written texts, there exists one that surpasses them all—the Word of God. This sacred text possesses a power that transcends intellectual comprehension. It is not a static collection of words on a page; it is alive and dynamic, capable of penetrating the deepest recesses of our being like a sharp, two-edged sword.
